The Oppenheimer PAC is a non-profit organization composed of parents from David Oppenheimer Elementary School. If your child attends David Oppenheimer Elementary School, you are automatically a member of the Parent Advisory Council.
The PAC serves as liaison between parents and the school’s administrators. We organize social events, advocate for students’ needs, and raise funds to support school programs and equipment. In addition to fun and social events such as movie nights and the Spring Fair, the PAC coordinates a Hot Lunch program and an annual Yearbook. Over the years, we have financially supported SmartBoards for each classroom, a new sound system for the school, and an iPad lab. We also subsidize programs such as Gym Sense, Skating, Project Chef, and field trips. We meet once a month, with committees meeting separately as needed. This extensive work is made possible by a group of dedicated volunteer parents who contribute countless hours throughout the year for the benefit of all students. Details for the next PAC meeting will be shared soon, and childminding will be available.
For the 2024 - 2025 school year, we particularly need new parents to step into Executive Positions on PAC to help lead our team of volunteers and projects. Many parents worry that joining the PAC requires a significant time investment, but the reality is that it only takes 2 hours per month. Your participation can make a big difference, allowing you to support the school and contribute to your child's educational experience without a major time burden. If you can dedicate some time to support school activities in a leadership role, we encourage you to join our PAC meetings and learn more about us. We are seeking to fill our Members at Large and Secretary roles.
The PAC serves as liaison between parents and the school’s administrators. We organize social events, advocate for students’ needs, and raise funds to support school programs and equipment. In addition to fun and social events such as movie nights and the Spring Fair, the PAC coordinates a Hot Lunch program and an annual Yearbook. Over the years, we have financially supported SmartBoards for each classroom, a new sound system for the school, and an iPad lab. We also subsidize programs such as Gym Sense, Skating, Project Chef, and field trips. We meet once a month, with committees meeting separately as needed. This extensive work is made possible by a group of dedicated volunteer parents who contribute countless hours throughout the year for the benefit of all students. Details for the next PAC meeting will be shared soon, and childminding will be available.
For the 2024 - 2025 school year, we particularly need new parents to step into Executive Positions on PAC to help lead our team of volunteers and projects. Many parents worry that joining the PAC requires a significant time investment, but the reality is that it only takes 2 hours per month. Your participation can make a big difference, allowing you to support the school and contribute to your child's educational experience without a major time burden. If you can dedicate some time to support school activities in a leadership role, we encourage you to join our PAC meetings and learn more about us. We are seeking to fill our Members at Large and Secretary roles.
All parents and guardians of student enrolled at the David Oppenheimer Elementary School are welcome to participate as member of the PAC.
We invite you to become a part of the PAC and play a crucial role in enhancing our school community By joining the PAC, you will have the opportunity to help shape important decisions, support valuable programs, and connect with other dedicated parents. Your involvement helps create a positive and enriching environment for our students. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and ensure a vibrant school experience for all. Join us today and be a part of something great and inspire a sense of pride and accomplishment in your child.
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) serves as the collective voice of all parents at the school. Even if you're not on the Executive Committee, we encourage you to participate in events and contribute to decision-making through the PAC.
Chair: Mike
Co-Chair: Betty
Treasurer: Conroy
Secretary: Yee
Fundraising Coordinator: Saltana
Grade 7 Committee: Tina
Members-at-large: Amy and Livleen
Co-Chair: Betty
Treasurer: Conroy
Secretary: Yee
Fundraising Coordinator: Saltana
Grade 7 Committee: Tina
Members-at-large: Amy and Livleen
2024-2025 COMMITTEE
Grade 7 Committee
Hot Lunch Coordinator
Grad Coordinator
Shop Funds (Gift Card)
Spirit Wear
DPAC Liason
Direct Drive
Babysitting/Stay Home Safe
Fruit, Veggie & Milk
Hot Lunch Coordinator
Grad Coordinator
Shop Funds (Gift Card)
Spirit Wear
DPAC Liason
Direct Drive
Babysitting/Stay Home Safe
Fruit, Veggie & Milk